Published by admin on 27th March 2021
Writing is a multi-step method that includes summarizing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. A writer must go through all of the steps to ensure that he has created a polished piece.
The writing process is not always a straight line. Academic writing, creative blog writing, and web content are all examples of different writing styles. However, regardless of writing style, the procedures of drafting, rewriting, and editing remain constant. A perfect piece of writing cannot be created in a single sitting, no matter how skilled a writer is.
Here are some reasons why drafting, rewriting and editing is important.
Drafting is when the writer picks his ideas into complete thoughts, such as sentences and paragraphs. The writer assembles his ideas so that the reader can understand his message.
The writer will generate an introduction to the piece as well as a conclusion for the material. The author will have completed a “final sketch” at the end of this step of the writing process.
Drafting typically begins with a rough sketch in which writers simply write down what is on their minds on a sheet of paper. Later on, they start adding statements and words to the paragraphs to deliver the final piece of work in a more rational and deciding sense. The writers must read their rough draft after taking a break to restore their work with a clear mind. They will be able to identify problems and understand the work from a different angle this way. If it does not make sense to them, they can re-write it. This is known as re-drafting.
A writer must spend a significant amount of time on his work to produce an effective piece of writing. After completing the first document, most of the writers take a break from their work.
They take a rest from it for a few weeks or months, then pick it up again and read it with fresh eyes and minds. When the writers allow themselves to rest for a while they find the work as new, allowing them to judge it rationally.
Once the writer has identified the errors, problems, and necessary changes, they rewrite the document with a more appropriate conclusion and plot. This allows them to make their pieces even more personal and impressionable.
Rewriting is important because it allows the writers to express themselves accurately without any flawed concepts. Rewriting brings the utmost clarity to the written pieces and makes them more effective.
After drafting and rewriting, comes editing. Editing differs from rewriting because rewriting may involve overhauling the entire document, whereas editing occurs after the document has reached its final draft and only needs to be checked and edited for grammatical and spelling errors.
While editing you should focus on the grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and sentence structure. This will allow you to make your written piece perfect and you will be satisfied with the result. You can also hire editing services to complete the editing.
Not editing is like serving the food without tasting how it is. You have to go through a piece no matter how perfect you think it is. Editing I as important as writing because only after editing, your writing will become good enough to be presentable.
Writing is a long and difficult journey, just like any other. The writing process begins with drafting and ends with editing, with the step of rewriting in between. A writer must go through these stages of writing to create a piece of writing that is not only excellent but also reader-friendly and understandable.