PEEL Paragraph Technique to Write A Perfect Essay...

PEEL Paragraph Technique to Write A Perfect Essay...

Published by admin on 27th March 2021


There are a lot of writing styles, argumentative and persuasive to name a few but there are also a lot of formatting styles. Here we are going to talk about the PEEL technique. Now you may relate this PEEL to a fruit peel but this is completely different.

PEEL technique is a simple to understand and implement technique by which you can put your point across effectively. PEEL technique enables the writer to make their paragraphs to the point, powerful, and with all the relevant information.

PEEL is a great way to approach your essays because you will design each paragraph in a powerful manner and you will most certainly reach the highest level of application with just a single but well-developed paragraph.

To make things even more understandable for you, 4 dollar essay has taken the liberty to explain PEEL.


The first paragraph is always a make or breaks for an essay because many people decide whether they want to continue reading or not based on the development of the first sentence. 

This one sentence should be enough to inform people about the points you are going to raise and talk about in the essay. This first paragraph should be a reflection of the essay coming ahead and it should be able to narrate the main point, purpose, and objective of your essay. 


Will you listen and agree to something or someone without proper evidence of what they are claiming? You can’t make a point without proving its relevance and importance. You need to have something which can support your point and tells people that this is the reason why I am making this point.

Evidence is one of the most important parts of an essay no matter what style of essay you are writing. If you don’t have evidence to support your point, not many people will understand or agree with what you are saying.

You have to have strong evidence to make your point valid. This evidence can be anything; it can be a source you found on the internet, your personal experience, or any physical evidence. 

No matter what, never forget to add evidence or else your essay will be just another piece of writing.


Ok, so you can never get away without explaining your point and your evidence. You have to be elaborate on what you’re saying. You have to explain everything to your readers in the simplest way you can think of.

Describing your point will allow people to better understand your opinion or viewpoint. The explanation you put across is a clear depiction of what you understood of the matter so be very smart with writing an explanation.


Linking is a powerful way to make sure that the answer you gave is still relevant. Linking back to your points and answers will bring credibility to your essay. By linking you are basically saying that the point you made and the evidence you gave are both connected and have utmost relevancy. Linking back to the question or topic of the essay will ensure that you have answered the question proficiently.